Sunday, January 31, 2010
Settling In
We've been working up to this for some time now. It was always our intention to send him in a couple of mornings a week, if and when we felt he was ready to take the step. And the time has definitely come; he has become incredibly sociable, stopping in shops to turn and smile as people pass him by; running up to strangers in the doctor's waiting room to make friends; chasing down the street after other Small People when we go for a walk. He is also becoming increasingly difficult to entertain, demanding all of my attention all of the time, and constantly adding new and treacherous skills to his repertoire (his latest, horrifyingly, being the ability to climb).
Little boys, I am discovering, are very different from little girls. The Small Girl, at the age of 14 months, was quiet, sweet and sedate; would tire easily and had no interest whatsoever in getting to higher ground. Her Very Small brother, on the other hand, is possessed of boundless vigour - he won't sit if he can stand, won't walk if he can run. And most of his ceaseless activity is accompanied by enthusiastic shouting and, preferably, the sound of objects being bashed mindlessly against other objects.
His first few tentative days at Playschool have affected the whole family in unexpected ways. I find it enormously reassuring that the Small Girl has been encouraged by Playschool to go on "visits" to spend time playing with her brother. And I've noticed that, even over a few days, their relationship with each other has become a lot more affectionate; he comforted by her presence and she feeling a great deal more compassion towards him. The two of them are beginning to enjoy their relationship and to understand the enormity of what it means to have someone who is more like you than anyone else in the world.
For me, although I have longed for a few hours to myself each week, it is also a period of adjustment. Just as, when the Small Girl started at Playschool, I would pace the house feeling lost and alone, so again do I have to readjust to being apart from the baby who has been at my side constantly for over a year. Wanting to keep busy, I went to the supermarket last week after dropping off the Very Small Boy. Walking down the street without a pushchair, wheeling a supermarket trolley devoid of Small Person, I felt lonely and somehow exposed ("as if your right arm is missing", as one friend put it).
I seem to have forgottoen how to deinfe myself, other than as a mother. (A few weeks back, I was in the slightly surreal position of being chatted up by a hopeful twenty-something in a bar. "Look, I'm married", I had said crossly, flashing my wedding ring. "And I have two children!". My forlorn suitor had looked surprised "I don't believe you", he had answered, and I had felt shocked that it might not be obvious that I was a mother - that my children were not somehow detectable in the air that surrounds me).
In the end, it's become a settling-in period for all of us; for the Very Small Boy as he takes a step towards independence, for the Small Girl as she becomes accustomed to the unselfish notion of empathy. And for me, as I struggle once more with my sense of identity and with the realisation that my children are growing slowly upwards, and, inexorably, away from me.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Small Girl came running up to us this morning as DH gave me a hug before he left for work.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The World Comes Rushing In
I’ve been feeling very emotional recently. I drove, sobbing, to playschool this morning, listening to a poignant song on the radio, then shed embarrassing tears of pride as the Very Small Boy inelegantly rearranged the Playschool office while I discussed with the owner when he could start attending. I’ve come to the conclusion that this excess of emotion is all down to the fact that two weeks ago, I decided to stop taking the anti-depressants I put myself on when the Very Small Boy was six months old.
I knew as soon as the headaches began that I would need medication. The same thing had happened after the birth of the Small Girl in
“Pootle” she cried, leaping up and holding her hand out to the Very Small Boy, “It’s Daddy!!”. Holding hands, they dashed off together to greet him, both shouting “Daddy! Daddy!” as they ran, and I busied myself over the stove so he wouldn’t see my tears of pride when he walked over to kiss me. Because now I’ve stopped taking my pills, I find the world comes rushing in at me in vibrant technicolor, and sometimes the beauty of life overwhelms me.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Happy New Mummy
No longer having the patience for jostling late nights and expensive drinks, DH and I saw in the New Year in our usual way: quietly, with a take-away and a bottle of wine. Over which, we talked about the past year and, in fact, all the past years: because New Year’s Eve is our anniversary and this naturally makes one feel rather indulgently reflective.
“What do you mean?” he asked “you’re bringing up two happy, healthy children… and you’re doing a great job of it!” he replied.
“Good idea!” I said, and spelled out “Happy New Year”.
“What does it say Mummy?” asked the Small Girl.
“It says Happy New Year!” I explained.
“Oh! Now let’s write “Mummy”” she said, and I showed her how to spell the word.
“Now what does it say?”
“It says “Happy New ear!”” I replied, and we both giggled.
“Now what does it say?” she asked again, looking pleased with herself.
“Happy New Mummy!” I said, laughing. And, feeling tentative whisperings of hope, I scooped her up for a buoyant cuddle.
A Family Christmas
"What is it? What is it?” shouted the Small Girl on the morning of Christmas Eve, as she opened the second-to-last door on her chocolate advent calendar.
“Um, it’s a Christmas… tractor!” I replied, happily noting that it mattered not one bit to the Small Girl that the chocolates in her calendar (which I had purchased, in an uncharacteristic fit of fiscal restraint, at our local discount supermarket) were not Christmassy in the slightest.
“It must have been Santie and Rudolph!” said DH, passing her a milky drink and carting off the empty beer bottle to put in the recycle bin.
"Was it Santie, Mummy?" The Small Girl asked me
“Of course, darling!” I replied in a tone of exaggerated shock, and winked at her.
“So do you think they enjoyed their day?” I asked him.
“Of course. They loved it!” he replied.
“Well, that’s all that matters. Bloody exhausting though…” I said.
“Yeah”, he sighed wearily. “Shall we have a top-up?”
“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day darling” I said, and handed him my empty wineglass.