Wherever possible, I try to avoid the challenging experience of supermarket shopping with both the Small Girl and the Very Small Boy at the same time
We started gently this week with October half term, Monday being a bank holiday and therefore leaving me with only four days of entertaining to do.
By Friday, having put it off all week and sick of spooning the Very Small Boy’s formula powder into my coffee in place of milk, I decided we really ought to go to the supermarket. With no imaginative ideas left to keep the Small Girl amused, I fell back on the last resort of the exhausted mother – chocolate. So, with the Very Small Boy sitting in the supermarket trolley eating a breadstick and the Small Girl running along beside me with a Kinder Egg, we set out for the Dairy aisle.
By the time we got to Beer & Wine, the Very Small Boy had finished his snack and was leaning precariously over the side of the trolley, pointing to the ground and screeching to get down. Whilst singing him soothing songs, pushing the trolley and trying to remember all the items from the shopping list I had, as usual, left at home, I had somehow managed to assemble a miniature woolly mammoth, complete with detachable tusks, from inside the Small Girls’s chocolate egg.
“But what are these called?” The Small Girl was shouting, running along behind me as I grabbed a bottle of wine and hurried towards the till.
“Tusks” I replied, feeling flustered and unloading the shopping, “they’re the mammoth’s tusks”.
“No they’re not tusks, they’re nostrils”, she said, waving them about angrily, her voice rising in agitation.
“OK, you can call them nostrils if you like”. Trying to make myself heard over the Very Small Boy’s screeches, I arranged my facial features into something I thought might resemble "calm and reasonable mother".
“But where are they?” she cried, bending over to scan the floor and sounding really upset now.
“What? Where are what?” I asked in desperation, trying as quickly as possible to calm the Very Small Boy and pack up the shopping so we could leave.
“The nostrils! I dropped them…where are the nostrils?" she continued, "where are the mammoth nostrils? Mummy, where are my MAMMOTH NOSTRILS?”
“I need a glass of wine”, I sighed through clenched teeth.